Inverbervie is a small town on the north-east coast of Scotland, south of Stonehaven, in the Aberdeenshire council area. The Inverbervie name derives from Inbhir Beirbhe, meaning Mouth of the River Bervie in Scottish Gaelic. Inverbervie manages to support three pubs and an award winning chip shop. The local "Bervie Chipper" won an award for the best fish and chip shop in the UK in 1998.

Here you see my friend John in his favorite pub in Inverbervie. I had a great time at the pub with John and learned all sorts of new things. I learned that the beer in Scotland is high test compared to the "pish" we drink here in the USA. (I had three pints and when I went to sit on my bar stool, I missed and promptly fell flat on the floor.) I learned that "ladies" drink half-pints and men drink pints. (Brazen red-haired Yank's who fall off bar stools drink pints, of course.) Don't tell your friend in Scotland to sit his "fanny" down on the bar stool next to you. It will cause beer to come out his nose while he laughs his head off. (In Scotland, "fanny" is a part of the female anatomy we usuaaly don't talk about here in the USA.) When you are in Scotland amd you get "pissed," you are usually too drunk to stand and in a great mood. (I like their meaning for "pissed" a lot better. It's a lot more fun. A lot of things in Scotland are a lot more fun.)